# port for main server port := 5053 moc_server_address := bold := \033[1m normal := \033[0m good := \033[1m\033[0;32m help: @echo "$(bold)Makefile commands$(normal)" @echo "-----------------" @echo "$(bold)make build$(normal) : will build the project" @echo "$(bold)make tests$(normal) : run tests for the project" @echo "$(bold)make run$(normal) : will run the project" @echo "" @echo "$(bold)OS commands$(normal)" @echo "-----------" @echo "start server at PORT with 'IP:PORT' list of partners:" @echo "$(bold)./bin/simple-choose-ad -p PORT -d 'IP:PORT'$(normal)" run: go run cmd/main.go -p $(port) -d "$(moc_server_address)" test-ip: @echo @go run cmd/main.go -p $(port) -d "$(moc_server_address),localhost:5059" || \ { echo "\n[+] PASS wrong IP address test"; exit 0; } test-port: @echo @go run cmd/main.go -p $(port) -d "$(moc_server_address)," || \ { echo "\n[+] PASS wrong port test"; exit 0; } test-port-max: @echo @go run cmd/main.go -p $(port) -d "$(moc_server_address)," || \ { echo "\n[+] PASS port too big test"; exit 0; } test-port-endpoint: @echo @go run cmd/main.go -p $(port) -d "" || \ { echo "\n[+] PASS endpoint with address test"; exit 0; } build: go build -o bin/simple-choose-ad cmd/main.go start-moc-server: @echo "[!] Starting up moc-server on $(moc_server_address) ..." @go run internal/moc_server.go -l $(moc_server_address) & stop-moc-server: @echo "[!] Stopping moc-server ..." @curl -s -o /dev/null "$(moc_server_address)/exit" & test-server: @echo @echo "Check response from moc-server " @$(MAKE) start-moc-server @cd "cmd/client_server/"; \ go test -v @$(MAKE) stop-moc-server tests: # @$(MAKE) test-ip # @$(MAKE) test-port # @$(MAKE) test-port-max # @$(MAKE) test-port-endpoint @$(MAKE) test-server